Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Presumed Idea

     In my last post, I shared that I had an idea in mind. So here are the basics...

     I've decided that PTSD would be an interesting disorder to choose because it provides a plethora of opportunity regarding why the protagonist has this illness. Rather than taking what feels like the cliché route, my character will not be a war veteran. Google "PTSD movies" and the picture below shows the first six films that pop up. Only one of those (Reign Over Me) is fixated around a character who suffers from the disorder for a reason besides war. Actually, the five other movies are all about Vietnam War veterans... not very original if you ask me.

     A quick google search was able to prove my point that war veterans are a bit overused when it comes to representing PTSD. Therefore, a quick synopsis of my film is a woman who was kidnapped and tortured as a young girl. She now suffers from PTSD. I can open the film by introducing the character. To do this, I can show the woman in a distressed state, then provide a flashback to her traumatic experience. 


 More in depth research and storyboarding coming soon!

(n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2017, from

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